United States, New York, Rochester
I'm Jenny! 26 years old. Gave birth to my daughter after 22hrs of labor on Oct 15th 2016. She's the love of my life 💜


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Still can't sleep. Still stressed and miserable over my daughters 9mo check up.
Meanwhile my SO is snoring like a wounded wildebeest. Must be nice to be so carefree.
4 Y r u worried about her checkup?
jlf240, pediatrician said my daughter is underweight. She hasn't gained enough in the last three months. We @jlf240 when my daughter was that age i had the same problems. The pediatrician always said she
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Don't mind me. I'm just sitting here sobbing uncontrollably because my daughter isn't growing enough and she refuses to eat more/different foods.
jlf240 @zachattackmomma, our pediatrician says otherwise. She's underweight and I feel like the worst mommy ever because I
jlf240 @neal.keisha32, thank you, momma!
zachattackmomma @jlf240, oh I'm so sorry she said that... We are at 5-10% weight but it's hereditary, both
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Is anyone else literally afraid to give their baby real food? She eats purée so well, but still doesn't want to chew. She tends to just swallow without any chewing. I know eventually she will do it, but she's 8months old and still won't eat finger foods. 🙈
dazzlingmommy @jlf240, Yea it's scary! Just gotta start slow with softer foods. Our babies will be there in
amommyofp My little guy is almost 10 months. He still eats puréed baby foods. I just started introducing
bugs039 The puffs melt really fast..but I did stop giving my son the organic puffs b/c they are
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Unexpectedly caring for an autistic teenager this weekend. Not exactly what I signed up for. Wish me luck!
ashtonndamon Good luck be Patient
jlf240 @ashtonndamon, I have endless patience, and I knew he was coming to stay, but my boyfriend failed
ashtonndamon @jlf240. I bet not! But atleast ypur experienced
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Crib bumpers pros and cons?
I know they are thought to contribute to SIDS risk, but my daughter bangs her head on the rails and gets her feet stuck between them during nap times. I currently only have one bumper up along the back but it makes me nervous to put the rest on.
Anyone care to weigh in?
hannahbbtt @jlf240, I'm well aware everyone has monitors but not video ones like myself. What my dr said
ilovemykids97 I used bumpers for about 6 months until she started smashing it down to stand on to
ilovemykids97 I should also add that she loves sleeping right nest to the bumpers cuddling them with her
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So hubby wants us to take an 11 hr road trip with our 7month old. I can't decide if we should or shouldn't. Thoughts?
del_1512250114_arivera64 Do it. Just make sure you take anough rest stops. I'm driving 16hrs from ct to ga
jlf240 @arivera64, the frequent rest stops are part of the reason we are considering not doing it. Too
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