Heartburn, tiredness, out breath, feeling heavy. Did not like the first trimester or the end of my pregnancy but was worth it in the end. Would love to have another in a few years xx
@mariajannat awww... mummy's boy. So precious. Guess the worry won't ever go but we can all enjoy it. There's a sweetness to this worry though. If you know what i mean. It's for our baby afterall.
@laurabump27 I totally agree.
I would do the same. I'd sometimes put some music on just to get baby to move. 🙈 The husband did not appreciate that in the middle of the night. Was all worth it though. I finally have my rainbow baby after nearly 7 years.
@mimibear even sickness medication didn't work with me 😂 Daisy was fully engaged from 38 weeks and then was 13 days late and my pelvis got bruised! All her movements were incredibly painful towards the end and I'd be in tears every time she's really active 😂 oh and I had really bad acid reflux all the way through haha xxx
@daisysmummy2016 yeah I lost about half a stone in 3 days was ridiculous x then they put me on meds which meant I could actually manage very small amounts of food x then had pelvic girdle pains in third trimester because she was engaged from 30 weeks. So had physio and a very sexy brace :) would do it all again in a heart beat tbough
@mimibear I was also very ill for my first trimester 😂 constant sickness and migraines! I lost so much weight as I couldn't keep anything down for weeks haha xx
Sickness and migraines in the first trimester and then acid reflux and every time I bent down I got loads of pressure in my face and then as she got bigger my rib chage became inflamed where she was always pushing on it then then she was 13 days late but fully engaged from 38 weeks so my pelvis was badly bruised and I could barely move 😂 why the fuck am I doing it again?! 😂😂😂
@laurabump27, Yes , even we got time to finally rest , we dont really do , i was at times worry just if he have blanket so he cant get cold just checking him out all night
@ttcrainbowbaby, I do as well , till now i am just always checking out he breaths well , maybe because my baby end in icu still struggles on this one , i think i will always being worry , my hubby let him do and eat anything but once i see him only little bit hit somewhere even he smiles my heart just ich lol
@ttcrainbowbaby, yea it's defo the worst part! I said all the way through I don't mind the pain... stretch marks...weight gain.. whatever as long as baby got here safely! Yea the monitoring of movements is so stressful I would wake in the night and try and feel him kick and I couldn't sleep until he did! I thought when he got here the worry would go because I could see him but I'm constantly worrying still and I sleep with one eye open now! I suppose it's a mums job to worry but we have to try and enjoy it too xx
@laurabump27, I think we all are worry in some kind , and it does not go away it stays inside you , because its not just about you anymore , i was also a lot a lot worry because i wasnt plan having baby at 17 but it just happen and i am just so gratefull it happen ...
19.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mariajannat i dont think its the best ive started to eat ice cream after dinner it helps a little bit xx
@laurabump27 I'm with you on this. Every other pain took a back seat to all the worrying about baby and just hoping and praying everything is alright. Monitoring movements was so stressful. Is it enough? Too less?
Such instant relief after birth. Though I still find myself checking on him to ensure he's breathing. 🙈 A mum's life I guess.
@chesscalouise2, I had no strech marks when i was pregnant just the really really light one u cant really see just from close but once i give birth it goes really dark and huge , still struggle to make it go away 😫
19.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mariajannat gallons of gaviscon lol i ran out though and it had me up half the night xx
@genieh, I wish somebody told me that milk actually doesnt make it gone it just makes it worse! so i had it all pregnancy cuze i am just lover of milk in anything with everything lol some times it even woke me up in middle of night
19.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Mines heartburn absolutely killed me last night xx @mariajannat