6 weeks PP and I barely have control of my legs when I get up from my bed or the couch. It's like they're about to give in.

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@twinmommabellahali, Ha ha ha I love that she's mommy's little 'helper'! 😅 I have a feeling my daughter will be similar! ☺️ we read her several books about becoming a big sister, and she gets excited when she sees or hears a baby somewhere... when she points out a baby, I tell her mommy has a baby in her belly! She has started petting my belly, mostly I think because she sees Daddy putting his hand on my tummy... but I'm not really sure how much she understands! We are trying to teach her with her dolls that you have to be 'gentle' with the baby! 😅 so we shall see when the time comes how 'helpful' she will be! 😏
13.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thank you for all your help! You've been so helpful and kind to me. What would I do without you!! And you're almost there! I hope the remainder of your pregnancy goes well and hopefully you get full term! My kids are doing well :) my daughter kisses them, puts the bottle in their mouth (not very gently but she's learning!) haha one of the boys was crying and she pushed a pacifier in his mouth to calm him down haha I guess she sees me doing it and thought it'd work well. Of course I'm not as rough as her! Haha she's still a baby and doesn't know well. How's your little one doing? Does she know there's a baby coming? @dreamermom,
13.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@twinmommabellahali, you are welcome! Check reviews of different places, there were a couple places my insurance wanted me to go that had poor reviews... but my doctor gave me a referral to the place I went and it was AMAZING! Good luck momma! 😘 how are your little guys and your daughter?!? I'm only 5 weeks away from that 33 week mark! 😅 still praying this one cooks longer than it's sister did!
13.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm so going to ask my doctor for that. I really need it! My body is so out of this after this pregnancy @dreamermom, thank you!
13.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@twinmommabellahali, I tried my chiropractor, and Pilates for a while... but my SI joint was so loose that I needed strengthening in specific areas, I waited until my daughter was like 9 months old before I started therapy! If I knew how quickly I could feel better I would have done it as soon as the doctor cleared me! They worked with massage and exercises... it was seriously, the best thing I ever did! I strongly suggest it... I'm planning on doing it after this one... I could not believe the difference it made!
13.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@dreamermom, I can barely walk myself! I'm going to talk to my doctor and see if I should do physical therapy. I can not live like this. Did you do anything else to help?
13.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I had to do about 12 weeks of physical therapy after my daughter was born... it was crazy how much work it took to do simple things like walk and load the dish washer😓
13.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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