Rose Hall
Omg I'm so excited my fiance and his friends go to the skate park every Thursday well for about a month and a half my daughter and I have been going with them and they all look out for Clair like she's their niece well she started showing real interest in "daddies board" she likes to ride slowly with Daddy so we found a tiny skate board her size and got it for her over the weekend well we haven't been able to really let her try to ride it because she doesn't have a helmet and she's only two so hubby and I were going to get her one for her birthday so she could ride well thanks to grandpa for loaning us the money we get to go get her one before we go to the skate park so she can officially ride with everyone... I know she's young and normally I wouldn't do all this since she is so little but she really does love to ride so I figure why not encourage it for all we know she could be the next Tony hawk or bam
6.9 лет

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