I'm a stay at home mom. I love my kids I love my home. But I feel like I'm going nuts. I can't find the motivation to get out and do much throughout the day, and I don't know what to do anymore. How to handle my emotions etc I think I need some support or guidance, just feeling lost lately.
@jaymebaby07 even when I talk to him about what I may be feeling he tends to misunderstand that it's not HIM, it's our situation , the way we live and the 'outside life' I don't have. Sometimes I would like to recharge my batteries the same way he does golfing for a day, a poker night with the girls etc lmao. He does not understand that my home makes me but my free time enables me to be the best level headed mother/wife/friend I can be.
@beebaby, I'm with my husbands family....I have none of my family. My family is 3000 miles away...that makes it hard as well....I'm afraid of what his family will think if I tell them how crazy I feel like I am going. That's why counseling and social media (this app actually) had become my main thing. It's the only time I get to vent at how unhappy I am....not with my husband but with our living situation and everything else
Yes! My husband works all day....6 days a week and on his only day off he'd rather sleep than go do anything with my little one and I 😩 I mean sometimes he does but still it's so frustrating sometimes
@jaymebaby07 girl I absolutely understand that! I'm there, I do drive but still the motivation is not in tact! I'm becoming more and more dependent on social media accounts. I guess sometimes I just wish that at least from my husband I could get a little acknowledgement.
@beebaby it's hard! I know. I think my main thing is I have to bottle it up for fear of what HIS Friends and family will think of me feeling this way. As my family doesn't live anywhere near me. The accusations of "me living off of him etc" we're MARRIED! & HE wants me to stay home... Not Vice Versa. Of course being with my kids rather than out in the adult world is awesome BUT it's not all fun and games. Meeting The demands of everyone in your home is draining. I mean not only are we taking care of therw physical needs like clean clothes, food a clean home. But we're also expected to carry their emotions on our shoulders too. I love being able to comfort and console/give advice to everyone. But I'm so underappreciated and literally just expected to "handle these situations!"
I have no friends here....it's not easy to make friends when I don't get out. I'm not motivated enough to get out sometimes and my emotions are everywhere and I'm also limited because I don't drive at the moment....it's really hard. Social media is my outlet....
Yes! I was literally laying in my bed bawling a little while ago. I just feel so lonely and empty at times. I love my daughter to death, but I need adult interaction. It doesn't help that I don't know anybody here. All of my friends were stationed elsewhere. 😢
@jaymebaby07 Also Ive been playing with the idea of counseling, thought maybe it would open up my eyes to something not seeing or am not aware of. Just makes me feel so defeated!
@jaymebaby07 Yes! It feels like you're the only one going through this battle & almost like there is no where to turn! Lol everyone believes your life is so perfect (like what more could you need or want) which makes it even worse! 😉 at least I know I'm not alone, that definitely makes me feel a little better that I'm not just overly sensitive.
Oh my goodness I am right there with you. I don't get out much....motivation is a huge problem for me. My emotions have gotten the best of me and sometimes I have misplaced anger and anxiety like crazy! I thought I was the only one 😩
Im trying counseling....I figured it might help. It kind of is so far but I have those days where my emotions are all over the place and I don't know what to do.