Have you ever been in a bad relationship one that you knew was not healthy but you just couldn't leave until you finally got the courage? What was it that finally made you leave? I feel like I'll never find the strength.
Eventually you will find the strength trust me when you had enough and can't deal w it no more then you will end up saying what you have to say and you will feel a lot better than before
That's where I am now and I finally got the guts to tell him this relationship isn't healthy and I don't want to be w him no more there's nothing there no more and sometimes I think why did I go back when I knew I was better off w out him I could have been happy raising my Two Boys alone
I have been in your shoes before. It's so much easier said than done. I knew for a long time I wanted to leave. I told myself I would give it one last time, drop all the previous fights and abuse and just give it my 100% so that one day if my daughter ever asked I could tell her I gave it my all. I of course endured more and it was during a physical fight that my daughter didn't respond with crying...that woke me up. I realized that she was so used to the screaming and yelling that she wasn't scared and found it normal. That is when I said no more- my daughter wouldn't be witness to that ever again. She will not see me as a victim but now as a fighter. Hope that helps... and if you need to talk please feel free to message me