Well thank ladies for your input I might as well go ahead and try it myself... I was discouraged because I really wanted to try it after I had my little one
Yeah it's supposed to help you absorb the nutrients too, and yess I know this lady who got a six pack doing Herbalife/breastfeeding and working out. I'm trying to get like her lol @embracemthrhd2,
Oh ok i havent seen that before thats why i asked lol. And yeah we're not jumping on anyone its just that i have a herbalife coach and he said his wife breastfed 2 children while on herbalife. And i take formula 1 and its safe... only the tea and the celluloss isnt good to take now. 😊
Sorry, I wasn't trying to jump on you lol @nury_rodriguez_2010, Yeah she didn't give me the tea bc of the caffeine and it's the aloe it's for healthy digestion. @embracemthrhd2,
It said its not recommended for WEIGHT LOSE during PREGNANCY. and some of the products arent good during breastfeeding because of the caffeine. May cause baby to be restless.
Who did you hear that from? You can take it while breastfeeding, I know TONS of moms who breastfeed and take Herbalife. I'm EBF as well @nury_rodriguez_2010,