Ladies I'm emotional right my man is constantly saying to me I'm his queen and he loves me. Yet every time I see him talking to another female And he thinks its ok...well I'm confused because if you love me and you say I'm all that you want then why the other females....someone please give me some advice because I'm confused right now...maybe I'm blind in love or lust...maybe I'm seeing this all wrong....yes and I know so.e of you may think I'm insecure but I'm about to establish a household with this man and before I do I can't be constantly having this conversation with him about other females....someone please just give me some advice
Well we just hung up from one another and it wasn't pretty it was a lot of angry yelling him calling me names and it just didn't help nothing or get no where
@mommylyfe88 if you dont ask him youll be constantly worrying about it. Relationships need trust. And if hes not letting you see his messages he might have something to hide.
@jcbaby, is right, being in a relationship entitles you to piece of mind. If it really is nothing then he shouldn't be making a big deal. If he can't be real with you then that alone should make you wonder if that kind of relationship is something you want. @mommylyfe88,
@mommylyfe88 doesnt matter if hes the man in the relationship you guys are equals. He wouldnt like it if you were talking to males. You need to know what the context of the conversations are to know whether to be mad at him or not. You cant keep him from casually talking to other girls and thats normal...if there is something more going on though you need to know about it. Id ask him.
That's the thing when I express myself he goes off wanting to say he does what he wants because he's the man in the relationship and all I'm doing is expressing my feelings but I'm he claims I'm always trying to make an argument
Idk my fiancé talks to girls from work all the time on Snapchat but their married, pregnant, or with someone. I try not to be jealous but I have discussed my concerns.