I went from pumping 10-12oz in 30 minutes to barely getting 6oz in an hour in a week! I had almost 100oz stashed and we blew through it because my supply went down so drastically. It's also super thick, like no foremilk or something. I had to give my baby formula which he either throws up or gets a nasty rash and we've tried so many kinds. I'm trying everything I can. Drinking a ton of water, nursing, supplements(taste horrible), oatmeal, I just ordered BoobirBars (those helped when I had the flu), eating high calorie foods, etc - all the things that helped me before. Nothing is helping me now. I haven't changed anything. Why would this happen??
Picture of the rash he gets after formula... his diaoer area was worse. That was within hours of getting it.
Oh. Yeah I actually had the white piece break so that's been replaced. Seems to be pumping fine, actually hurts. I just looked at my nipple and have a white spot. Thinking I have a clogged pore. I'll get it checked out to be sure. Hoping that that's the issue.
@cubanese He's a very stubborn baby. I can give him a bottle and he will eat what he wants and leave what's left over. He won't just keep eating until I tell him to stop. He stops when he wants. I've given him 5oz before and be will cry and scream until he gets the rest. He never spits up. I've been to a lactation consultant. They weighed him before and weighed him after nursing and he ate 6.5oz. at 2.5 months old. They did the same thing after his first meal in the hospital and at 12 hours old, he at 2oz. He's a big boy, 26in long. I promise you, I'm not overfeeding my baby. Even if I wanted to, he wouldn't eat it if he doesn't want it.
I only started nursing him more often because my supply was dwindling and I'm pumping after. My supply isn't going down because I'm nursing.
I have to have a heavy supply because of the hours that I'm working. I have to have a stash so he can eat while I'm gone. It's the whole reason I decided to exclusively pump. I needed my body to produce more than he ate. If I'm producing more, I can feed him one meal and stash another. I've talked to a few lactation consultants that I know and this is what I was told to do. It's been working great until last week.
I agree with @cubanese, it sounds like you are making enough and the fact that it's so fatty is a good thing, it means he's getting everything he needs from it. It does sound like it regulated itself, I would just continue to nurse him before you pump whenever possible because he will get more removing it from your breast then the pump will. My baby refuses to let me pacefeed her and throws a fit no matter how much she drinks, so you just have to trust that he's getting enough, which it sounds like he is
@cubanese my baby eats 7oz every 2-3 hours and I'm only able to get 6oz every like 4hours because it takes an hour to pump. So it isn't enough. I was exclusively pumping but then my baby was having weaning problems when I returned to work so he nurses once in the morning. Since my supply started to go down, I was nursing him as often as I could and pumping after, when doing that I'd get maybe an oz and then after a couple days I wasn't getting anything. So it's continuing to go down. I have to have a stash because right now I work 48 hrs straight and can't nurse him. I had my body thinking I needed to make 10-12oz every 3hours so I could feed him and stash some.
If hes not seeming satisfied try block feeding to help build the supply back up.