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So as my tiny monsters reflux isn't improving the Dr and health visitor have suggested early weaning. I personally feel she is showing no signs at all of being ready to wean, can't sit unaided, still has very prominent sucking reflex, doesn't show interest in my food and still enjoys her bottles. Has anyone been in a similar situation that chose not to wean early? She has had varying different dose combinations of both gaviscon and ranitidine.

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We were given another medication! Omg I'm totally spacing on the name. I will check it for you. But basically Doc said Gaviscon works at the beginning but then tends to stop working and that was the case for us. We weaned early for the reflux however my LO was sitting up unaided, grabbing food, lost tongue reflex and was very interested. And I'll be honest it doesn't help! Not with milk! Yes it calms the reflux but for the most part whenever he over eats for comfort he will definitely vomit, whenever he drinks and sleeps without being upright for a bit he will vomit for the next half hour after, at times the milk even pushes the pureed food out. So honestly I'd rethink and follow your gut.
17.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@stephnae my boy suffers with constipation, has done from 3 weeks old (not had a great start poor thing lol), personally i would say to give it a go if u dont feel ready to wean her.. Ethan has lactoluse to help keep his constipation at bay and it worked.. Its hit and miss with babies really.. Weaning them can also cause constipation to begin with x
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Such a lovely picture ❤ i weaned early well at 3 months with baby rice in mornings but she was hungrayyy lol xx @stephnae
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@barnold, I heard it can make babies badly constipated so I wasn't sure wether to try it or not. We have progressed from 1/2 sachet up to 2 sachets and honestly I see no difference. She has even went down on the centile. She is up to 0.6ml ranitidine with the Dr telling me if that dose is right we shouldn't need gaviscon but she projectile vomits without it.
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Have u tried reflux milk? @stephnae my boy suffered badly and gaviscon was useless.. Put him on reflux milk and that helped instantly.. By 4/5 months he was then showing interest in food so i weaned him then x
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I do the same with my boy! I look at him and think! Wow! He's mine haha!@stephnae, xx
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
She's adorable!! Little cutie!!@stephnae, x
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@lauren1996, Aaaaw thank you so much, I sometimes look at her and can't believe I made her. She is just to cute to be mine 😂
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Sorry I can't help, but She's gorgeous thou! @stephnae, xx
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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