@happy2haveu, yeah it does. She. I give it to Adrienne, it brings up gas if she has any and also if she's constipated it'll help with that discomfort in her belly too
My little girl is 2 months. We've used a tiny bit of water mixed with brown sugar to help clean her out, or little remedies gripe water a few times a day with little remedies gas drops/the target brand before every feeding for a couple days and it's helped. We still give her the gas drops regularly but not at every feeding anymore
We use daily probiotics, mommys bliss gripe water, and target brand gas drops. Still have to help him every now and then with leg pumping fir trapped wind.
I tried it all and still trying lol...... but mylicon seem to help the most. He still has gas and when he's sleeping I have to pay his back or lift one his knees to his chest to help but it's getting better. I asked his doc and she said sometimes there are babies that are just gassy and nothing will completely eliminate it.