Even tho I produce a lot. I would like to know what you mothers eat to increase your milk supply..?
This is what I've been eating; Asian vegetable soup. Chopped carrots, broccoli, potatoes, pork, in home made pork broth. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY don't forget the green bottle gourd.
@k.v.baby, it's a supplement no flavors u might be thinking of something else but if u go back to my old post u can see the brands and things I'm using
@k.v.baby, that's looks yummy however I'm careful with food that can cause gas cabbage is the worst for my son he gets so fussy. I honestly would limit yourself on the broccoli. Brewers yeast is excellent for increasing milk supply. Really it's important to just be happy and let ur baby get what she need and have a balanced diet. My lactation consultant recommended honest co lactation plus I'm also taking fenugreek and echinacea daily my supply has been awesome my son is a fatty.
@motherlyof2, my baby does too but then she will get too much milk and throw up so after she nurses for about 10 minutes I give her the pacifier so she can make herself go to sleep. :)
my hospital sent me home with lactation tea and lactation cookies have made me leak right after eating them. seems most important to rest, stay hydrated and eat enough though