so i was suppose to have heard from the fertility specialist before today. I give them a call to try and get my first appointment made. wow! thats a big no go. one the woman (the only person who answers phones) who called me back made the phone call unbearable. she would ask me several questions on a line of topic but right before finishing the topic (ex scheduling an appointment) (reason for my visit) she would stop and tell me she would come back to that later. so basically 20 minutes in and the only thing we have accomplished is I am for sure seeing the doctor. That I in fact will not settle for the nurse practitioner. That was a whole thing. It ended with her telling me we don't except your insurance. I had already checked with my insurance company before this phone call and knew that they did. When I told her this she tells me shes doesn't know how to bill it so it's the same thing as not excepting it. OMG whatever. i had decided long before this to call my ob back and get referred else where so we were really just wasting each others time. I declined all offers for a follow up call on monday and am now waiting for my ob to call me back with a different referral. So glad i wasted a week waiting for nothing (not).