Everyone is telling me you need to go out and meet someone. And I want too I don't want to be alone forever even though I perfectly content and fine with that. It would be nice to have that person that I can love and share a life with.. but I am just so terrified especially with everything I see on the news I don't want anything like that happening To my daughter and i. That is seriously stopping me from talking or even looking at a guy. I don't even know how to talk to a man anymore . My life consist of taking care of Eliyanah and working. That's all I do. I really only communicate with my daughter and the people in my house. It's sad to say but I have NEVER been in love with a man. My whole life I had one serious relationship and that was my only relationship and to make it worse it wasn't even my child's father. I barley even know/knew her dad. I decided to let lose and quit being so uptight, I did and I ended up pregnant lol so now I'm back at the beginning, being uptight and scared of any type of relationship... I don't know anymore... everyone is always so anti being with someone who has another mans baby which makes it hard and then you never really know who that person is or what their intentions are or even what they are capable of... safe to say it's better off just being alone for entirety.

Лучший комментарий


Please don't listen to people. don't follow your heart either get out and do things, that make you happy. your intuition will lead you in the correct direction. If you are still processing through pain, hurt, rejection you will be useless you a partner anyway
11.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@jahnessagarcia, wait wait wait. it's too early to sign yourself up for a monastery. give it time. right now, focus on yourself. get your hair done, a massage, a pedicure. your time will come!
11.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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