My three month old is great at tummy time and tries like heck to crawl but ever since rolling over at a month old and scaring herself she hasn't tried to do it again. How can I help her learn?
@eryka616, @ciraclesmiracle, she loves tummy time and her back... so idk why she doesn't roll, if i put her kinda on her side she will push herself to her back or tummy but she won't go from one to the other by herself
my son use to hate tummy time he now tolerates it and I leave him there until he eventually rolls his self over or throws a fit and i help him to roll over ..... just keep doing it daily and they'll get the hang of ....also being around other babies that are rolling over encouraged my son 😃
@eryka616, my 6mo old son is like that too. He hates tummy time. He *can* roll over and he's strong enough to push himself up with his arms, but if I put him on his tummy he usually throws a fit. His pediatrician said just to keep doing daily tummy time and eventually he will get over it.