For those of you who have had babies before, two questions...

How long after giving birth did you finally stop bleeding? I'm going on week five and I gotta say, this crap is getting old.

And, my daughter is awake from around 2pm - 8pm every. single. day 😩 Not only that, but she isn't content unless I'm holding her while walking around. She doesn't want rocked, to swing, sit, lay, anything. She won't stay in the carrier and the sling I bought is too small. What the hell?? All she does is eat and poop during those times. She'll fall asleep for like ten minutes tops, but then wake right back up. Is it just a growth spurt or...?

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I am. I've cut caffeine, peanut butter, chocolate and dairy completely out of my diet because they were giving her gas. She doesn't act like anything's bothering her though. She just wants held. And I love it, I really do, I'm taking advantage of her wanting me for as long as I can. But I was just curious if anyone else had the same issue and if something was wrong. I've taken care of tons of babies before and have never seen a newborn stay away that long. @sabby
28.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I bled for 5.5 weeks. My son didn't sleep much as a newborn. I walked a lot during my pregnancy, so I think he was used to the movement. In the first weeks I spent a lot of time sitting on the couch just holding and nursing him. And when I needed to get things done (cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, etc) I would wear him in the ergo carrier.
28.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Really it's the awake part that I'm asking about. She sleeps so well through the night but fights it every afternoon for six hours straight. I've never cared for a newborn that has stayed awake for longer than 2 hours before. @cubanese
28.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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