How long did it take for your LO to start sleeping longer?? my son is 11 weeks, formula fed and still wakes up every 2 to 3 hrs and wants to eat!

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@spayanes85, I've thought about trying that to get him used to skipping a feeding but I'm afraid if I let him get too upset then he would be wide awake at 3am!!! lol and that'd be worse
12.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@amber188, i would wait to see if he falls back asleep. if he wakes up and cries bloody murder, then see what if wrong. if he is just moving around, let him go back to sleep. he will learn to self sooth! i know its hard to ignore every little noise! try that and see if that works. my pedi told me by 2-3 months, babies have enough starch in their bellies so they sleep longer. but of course, every baby is different! good luck!
12.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son is EBF (just shy of 3 months, 11lbs) and sleeps about 4 hours at a time. I read somewhere that babies don't start sleep longer until they are around 15lbs (better able to hold more milk I guess and not wake up)
12.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jacesterlingsmommy, @lilaa_dunne16 @andrewsmommy dangit I really thought once they hit 3 months that would start sleeping like 5/6 hrs at a time 😭
@spayanes85 yes we have a very easy routine and he always falls asleep by 830! he even eats about 5 to 5 1/2 oz then wakes up at midnight, 3 am, then 530 am, then 7 am. and every time wants to eat about 4 oz 😥
12.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My daughter is about the same age as yours. she will be 3 months old on the 16th. I bathe her every night and feed her about 4 1/2 ounces. She sleeps from 930-7am & in her crib. Do you have a routine established? How much are you feeding him?
12.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son just turned 1 last month and just started sleeping through the night. He was formula fed also but by 8 months he would sleep longer. Asleep by 8:30 and would wake by 5am for a bottle the back to sleep until 9am. Your baby is only 2 months so you probably won't expect him sleeping long stretches for another couple months. But all babies are different
12.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My daughter is 8 months old, she sleeps well until midnight, and after that she's up every 2 hours, she is breastfed/formula fed and eating solids
12.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Mine started to sleep longer at about 3/4 months. Now he's 5 months and sleeps 8-12 hours.
12.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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