@dang_dridri, they wouldn't give her medicine they said as long as she's not throwing up all off her milk😑 and I recently took her to the Dr and they said 3 oz was too much she should only be having 2 I had to go back to giving her 3 she wasn't having it and now she acts like she wants more
My daughter has bad reflux too. We put a probiotic in her bottle once a day & make sure she's being held up for at least a half hour and properly burped after every feeding. It's helped a lot.
& my boys have reflux too. Their pediatrician isn't worried because they're gaining weight well but she gave them medicine to help. Does she have any medicine?
Whatever they will take. My daughter has always dictated how much she wants & if I give her too much, she'll spit it up. Don't stress about it unless your baby isn't gaining weight - the doctor will let you know that 😊