I had my son 4 days ago and. Been breastfeeding my nipples are so raw and scabbing how did u ladies get thru this they hurt so bad I want to cry when he latches! I don't want to give up he's my only baby tht I'm actually producing milk! Help
I completely understand and sympathize. I came up with a cushion moms use while they pump to protect the nipple and make pumping more comfortable. You can check it out on www.beaugen.com. Mama made 😊
I had the same issues. The creams help some. I have a lanolin allergy but it turns out I can use the modified lanolin in the nipple creams and it really helps. Tried pumping and giving her that in a bottle too, but you need to be careful about the nipple shape to avoid nipple confusion. Also find out through your hospital where you can go to see a lactation consultant, they can show you how to position your baby and get him to open wide for the best possible latch. Attending some workshops with lactation consultants is what helped me the most. I wanted to give up, now I'm soooo glad that I didn't. Breastmilk is best for the baby it's worth it to find a way if you can.
My daughter wouldn't latch after I used the Lansinoh Lanolin nipple cream although I wiped it off best I could so I use coconut oil and it really helps.
medala lanolin helped me. also expressing some breast milk on my nipples and letting then air dry, when at home, you should always let your nipples air dry after a feeding.