Sarah krashin
Sarah krashin
the annoying shit people say about my scar on my chest which I'm already insecure about and always try to hide but can't because its smack dab in the middle upper that glued on !? what is that .ha that's the first I heard that today then they asku personal reasons as to how you got it they don't care if others are around I hear people say what is that cancer once in highschool as they laughed n walked bye ,is that a tattoo which that's one isnt as bad ,did you have some sort of heart surgery I was going to pray for you or I just get the dumb asshokes who stare and don't blink till I cover it or rudely look at them or turn away like do these people not think before they speak? I would never asked a person about a physical flaw they have if they don't tell me its not my business and I'm not going to question them about it or stare .like if I could get rid of it I would thanks for letting me back into an insecure funk when I was just feeling happy and pretty thanks maybe i should just fucking dedazzle it ugh 😠😢😣😤😳 Idk how to even respond to these people...feel like hiding his is the only place I'm not embarresed to talk about it cause I don't know anybody

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that sounds so difficult to deal with 🙁 for the people that just stair I would yell at them lol "It's JUST a scar" and then they'll be really shocked. I cried once when I was little because of a kid with a physical deformity and his mom sat with me and explained why it happened and that he wasn't going to hurt me and I definitely never looked at someone the same way. people are just shitty when it comes to stuff that clearly has nothing to do with them
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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