Does anyone know how to go about registering a complaint against a health visitor/family nurse? My first one from the start of pregnancy was brilliant but she left just after I had my daughter and now my new one always rearranges appointments that have been set up weeks in advance and I've made sure my day has been clear then when she's actually available to see me I'm busy. The last time she rearranged my daughter was at her dads which I can't help especially when the meeting is sprung on me like that and she hasn't responded to my message that was a week ago. It's very rude and irresponsible as my daughter has been weighed once since she was 3 months old and it has now been found that she is slightly underweight, which I would have known earlier if she actually came to the bloody appointments😡

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I'd just call up the health visitors number & complain directly. And as the others have said sounds like it would be easier to just go to your local children's centre for drop in /weigh in clinic. There once a week & you can speak to a health visitor whilst your there about any issues or questions you have.
03.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mamapop, the will be children centres all around your area too get baby weighed and to see a midwife there if your concerned,how come your meant too see one every two weeks I'm 18 and my daughter has not seen some since she was about 6 weeks old x
03.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Are you with the family nurse partnership? I'd complain if you are Hun because like you said their meant to come every 2 weeks until the baby is 2 years old, mine used to come every week but now she just tells me to text her what I want an appointment , I would ask to swap if I was you x
03.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
She's meant to come every 2 weeks because of me being young and especially alone, I've seen her twice in 5 months but there have always been appointments arranged in advance she just never shows up or always cancels without even so much as an excuse. My closest baby drop in is in the next town so a bit of a faff for me without a car @stacey804 x
03.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Don't know if it's different at different places but I have to go to a drop in baby clinic to get my little one weighed. No one comes out and hasn't since he was 6 weeks. Xx
03.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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