I'm having trouble mommas .
Before I was able to pump up to 3oz now this is what I'm able to pump 😩😩😩😩 . Anyone please tell me what worked best for you .
Try not to stress too much about supply. It's actually very uncommon for women to not produce enough. Just keep latching him on, let him cluster feed when he wants, and pump when you it gets about time for you to be away. If you pump too often in the beginning, it can cause an oversupply. So no need to be worried or feel pressured to pump. The only way to make sure baby is getting enough is by counting diapers and weighted feelings done by a lactation consultant.
@morale0129, Understandable and your doing awesome momma just don't forget that a baby can get more from you then pump so don't worry too much and its awesome that your going through an amazing breastfeeding journey
You should latch him on as often as you can, even if you believe you aren't producing enough. This will tell your body to produce more. If you are only up to 3 months post partum, your supply is probably still being established. I freaked out in the beginning bc I couldn't pump anything, but pumping does not indicate what your supply actually is!
@morale0129, I pump for about 20 minutes per breast or until I feel it fully drain. but each us different so don't get discouraged momma and the baby can get more out of you then a pump itself :)
I'm a first time mom and I need to get all the information . @akeelah_naomi_mommy @beebaby @happymomma2211xox @kdperrin . That's why I'm asking so many questions
@morale0129, I drink 2 cups a day....for me it took about a week for it to start producing more. Also when you pump or feed it helps if you fully empty your breasts that way your body knows to continue producing more
Oatmeal really helped me. It's only a temporary fix, but if baby has 6+ wet diapers day, then baby is getting enough. Some women just don't respond well to a pump.