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look at my little cutie smiling. Can't believe he is going to be 3 months on Nov. 15th
lucybaby My little girl smiling. She will be 3 months on the 14th!
happymomma2211xox awe look at that little cutie :) and that's awesome! @lucybaby
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Im so frustrated the person from my family was supposed to western union me money so I can get formula and diapers for the baby. Now there not and im shit out of luck. I dont get paid for another 2 weeks. I dont know what to do. Help!
happymomma2211xox @zealous, they say that I dont have a credit score and cant get approved its odd......
beckyx3 Try local buy and sell groups on Facebook. I've seen people ask for help near me and
happymomma2211xox ok thanks @beckyx3. I just hate to ask for help. I feel like I should have this
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So apparently one of the lovely side affects to this birth control im on causes insomnia. great like I don't sleep already but like come on
happymomma2211xox @godsjoi, it really is....but I already do not sleep loll......especially with a little one
godsjoi It won't lasts forever lol 😄(little one not sleeping).
happymomma2211xox @godsjoi, oh I know lol just the BC will hahah
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my poor baby has thrush
savana_h @happymomma2211xox, okay, thank you! I'll be giving her doctor a call
happymomma2211xox Your very welcome :) @savana_c
thegingerleprechun91 Aww poor baby! my oldest had it so bad she was in quarantine for a week!
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Has anyone had there baby break out due to milk products from formula or breastmilk?
happymomma2211xox @brinnersmommy20, alright thank you. I should know this since I have an older son but I guess
happymomma2211xox @brinnersmommy20, never thought of doing that..... his is all over his face and dry and really bumpy
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