ugh I am pumping every 3 hours. I'm so exhausted. I wish he would've latched onπ’ I feel so defeated. I wanted to have a natural child birth and wound up having a c section. wanted to exclusively breastfeed him, and he doesn't want to latch on. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong and its making me so depressed.
You're doing nothing wrong. Don't feel bad about the latch. Keep trying if that's what you have hope to do, but celebrate that you are able to pump and feed too. Every breastfeeding journey is different in my experience. My first didn't latch because she has a high palette, so I got a nipple shield and that made it work. My twins, one could latch, the other could not because she had low muscle tone. So I pumped for one and breastfed the other. I also always had formula on hand because, for me, it offered a back up plan if we were out and I forgot my shield or didn't have milk pumped.