believe it or not ladies, this was seriously an argument today:
Me telling my SO I don't want his mother smoking in the house after the baby is born.
You would of thought I asked him for his soul.
Its ok because she only smokes in her room he says.
Biggest fight, now neither of them are talking to me because he ran his mouth to her. "Talea doesn't want you smoking in your own house."
Never mind that was his selling point to convince me to move out of my dad's.
"He smokes in the house."
oh I get it, it wasn't OK because it was my dad.
7.6 лет

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You shouldn't even have to ask her. She should want to for her grandchild.

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You shouldn't even have to ask her. She should want to for her grandchild.

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@talean89, I have the same problem with my Dad & brother I get so pissed 😡 it's like they don't care

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Oh I know! I was just letting you know you aren't overreacting! Maybe if you show them the information on 3rd hand smoke they will think differently?

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Omg I can only imagine the conversation I'm going to have to have with my bd mom.

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its not me whose saying its OK @kenitra I'm completely against it, already told my SO he can't even hold his own child, so I guess I'm gonna spend money we don't have on a purifier and baby and I won't leave The bedroom

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I told my parents if they didn't quit smoking (keep in mind they live in a completely different house and don't even smoke in their house), that they can't even HOLD my baby. It gets in the skin and is harmful to the baby. They already got Chantix and quit. Look up Third Hand Smoke and Babies. You will see!

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