Are there any NICU moms on here? If so, how did you keep your supply up? it's been so tough, my baby is unable to latch so I am pump only. I was on magnesium so I didn't start pumping until she was almost 3 days old. I'm taking fenugreek, I have lactation treats from milky mama I've been eating twice a day and I just can't seem to pump more than 20ml a session 😭😭

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how long did it take? she will be 2 weeks on Saturday and my 9 o'clock pumps I can get 60ml but other than that I'm at 40. she has low blood sugar it's the only thing keeping her in so I can't but her to the breast.
08.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
08.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
06.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Please be advised taking fenugreek can cause your supply to dry up, as it might work for some mothers, it can have the opposite affect on others. The best way to increase supply is, stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, pump every 2-3 hrs.
05.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
that amount is great for how old your baby is! You are doing great! If you are able to do skin to skin and let baby just lay and explore, do that for a couple hour and then go pump right after. But the amount will increase as she ages, she still has a little tummy. @chelsealou
05.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jesscami, she is 8 days old now it is so tough! as if being a nicu mom wasn't hard enough 😭. I try to pump every 3 hours but I just feel like a failure because I only get like a 10ml and that's both sides combined! @mommy_to_be.taylor that's awesome! keep up the great work :)
05.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
When my son was in NICU. I pump every 2-3 hours stayed hydrated. Spend as much time around your baby as possible. And don't give up. I kept up with my son's feeding needs until two days before he came home because they put him on unlimited feeds. But since he has been home he has been EBF!
05.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had a preemie, she's five weeks old now. I still have no supply, it makes me want to cry. I feel your struggle momma. it's rough. how's old your baby? I am lucky if I pump a half ounce at a time..and that's out of both sides. I've found fenugreek helps, but only a little. everyone tells me to pump every two hours but when I do that I get like 10 ml a time, it's crazy. have you tried power pumping? it's pumping for 20 minutes, then a 10 minute rest, pump for another 10 minutes then another ten minute rest, then finally pumping for ten more minutes. it takes an hour, but they say doing it once a day for a week or so boosts your supply.
05.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have two in the nicu, the struggle is real. Stay hydrated , warm showers and listening to babies cry helps
05.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think that may be my biggest thing is the amount of water I drink! I've been chugging today crossing my fingers that we see an improvement! I really just want her home so we can latch and have that bond everyone keeps talking about 😭
04.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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