Any ladies have experience with PGP?? (pelvic girdle pain) Especially in the third trimester...
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unfortunately I don't remember anything that really helped. i thibk stretching on the floor and a hot bath made me not wanna die but didn't last long lol
It's good to hear that it's pretty common. I see my dr Friday & was planning on bringing this up but wasn't sure what to really expect bc for the most part, he usually tells me everything is "growing pains".@bugmama, did you choose to stop working or was that advised by your Dr? @livd15 ,did you try anything that helped? @desi720 ,I have a belly support thing I bought awhile back, I didn't even think of that...I'll try that, thanks!
I've had it since 30weeks and my dr prescribed me a belly cradle to take some pressure off my pelvis but I haven't picked it up from the pharmacy yet. I also see a chiropractor that seems to be helping a little.
30.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
i had ridiculous pubis bone pain in third tri , will never forget it
I have had it since about 26 weeks this pregnancy never had it with my son. It has gotten harder the further I have gotten I actually had to stop working at 35 weeks because the pain was so bad. It hurts to walk, sit, stand, sleep etc. It's definitely been an extremely difficult last few weeks.
I haven't been diagnosed either, but I just know I have it due to the amount of pain I am. There is nothing that I have found to help with it. I just take it day by day. I only have a week left at the most.
I haven't been officially diagnosed but from all my researching, I'm convinced that's what it is. it's sooooo hard for me to walk and just move around normally...
is there anything you have been doing about it or that helps @haleymclain1121