I have a question or two I had a intake today for a local program today that offers classes for baby stuff up to 3 years
I am breastfeeding and pumping she was talking about a bra that goes over the pump has anyone heard of this and if you own one what's your thoughts .
Second question * not trying to start a bashing vest looking for honest options on the subject * She told me I should bf until Serenity is 3 .
In your thoughts what age would you recommend stop bf at .
There's a few different bras out there, or you can make your own. I'm planning on weaning around 6 months so that I can resume my migraine medicine. If it weren't for that, I might make it a year.
I have a hands free bra from medela. I love it. there are other companies that make them too.
we plan on letting our LO wean herself.. so we aren't putting a limit on it.
I never thought about that imma go get a smaller siW sports bra from Walmart and try that lol @babes101116 . stop breast-feeding when you are most comfortable. personally I don't want a pre-k'er on my boob when they probably eating everything in sight
You can use a snug fitting sports bras and cut holes for the pump to fit through, it's cheap. I BF until 2, some people do 3-4, it's a personal decision