My thought process anytime my baby sleeps more than an hour in her bed.

"wow she's been sleeping long.. Is she okay? What if she's not okay? I should check on her. But most likely she is fine and then I might wake her. But what if she isn't?? No I'm sure she's fine. Im a terrible mom because I'm not checking on her. Okay, I'll go check. I'm a terrible mom because I'm not letting her sleep. Oh well, I'd never be able to forgive myself if she wasn't okay and I didn't check....

**start feeling sick to my stomach**

"Alright I'm checking on her"

**sneak in, try to visually see if she's breathing, don't trust my eyes so I gently put my hand on her back/tummy**

"Okay she's fine"

**try to sneak out, half the time this all resulting in waking her, half the time not. Fortunately she didn't wake up this last time**

My baby is almost 4 months old... Why can't I just enjoy her nap for once? Her big sis is 2.5 years old and I still occasionally have these thoughts about her (although she rarely sleeps for very long so it usually isn't a concern).

Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this?

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It is exhausting :(
15.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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