I forgot to take my beta blocker today, by the time I realized it, would have been too late to take it. I feel so tired and exhausted today! I haven't felt baby girl move to much and that kind of has me worried...
For sure! I know it's so hard not to worry. I needed it for a very fast heart rate and low blood pressure actually. With my first boy, I started having symptoms of preclampsia the last two days before I had him but delivered safely. I do not have issues when I'm not pregnant. has she started moving more for you yet?
@showersoverflowers, my main concern is that it will contribute to the onset of preclampsia. My doctor said the medicine will not prevent me from getting it either way, but the high BP I know is not good for her. it is just weird, because my first daughter moved so much more than she is... did you take it due to preclampsia or just high BP?
I forgot to take mine my entire pregnancy ;) I just chose not to go that route with either pregnancy and despite my nasty symptoms, my babies are great. Don't worry about missing one day hun. Just drink some juice, eat some fruit, and lay down for an hour. I bet she'll perk right up for mommy