so frustrated right now,my newborn has a hard time latching on to my nipple and my boyfriend is telling me i dont know how to feed her and he said its easy
Breastfeeding is a learning experience for mom and baby both, kindly ask your bf to give you a break and not stress you out because stress effects you and baby and makes it harder to nurse! If you can, contact you local WIC office or Le Leche League and speak to a lactation consultant, they can even meet with you to give you tips to make it easier. The first few weeks will be a learning experience and your nipples will probably hurt until you both get it down, but I promise it gets better! Find a position that is comfortable for you, lean back a little bit, hug the baby close to you with their belly touching yours, and try swiping your nipple from baby's nose down to get her to open wide, once that mouth is open, bring the baby to you, not the breast to baby...once latched check to make sure that as much of the areola as the baby can fit is in there, usually a bit more in at the bottom lip than the top lip, baby's nose is pointed up a bit and free to breathe, chin tucked into the breast, and both lips flared out like duck lips and not sucked in. If baby is falling asleep and not sucking very much, play with her feets or try unlatching her and changing her to wake her up and try again. Let her nurse as long as she wants and when she unlatches herself, offer the other breast and let her do the same. The more stimulation, the better! If you have any questions let me know, breastfeeding can be hard but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad and someday you will wonder how you struggled so much lol I know I do!
The more you stress the harder it will be. It was difficult for me because I have inverted nipples. I had to pump and the pumping helped create a nipple and at 3 months she latched on. Do you think you have inverted nipples?