I'm really struggling with this pregnancy. It's my first and it was planned. I'm super excited about having my baby and my husband is really excited too.
Pregnancy has been hard. I have had a lot of nausea/vomiting, I'm really tired and can't sleep, etc. It's all pretty normal stuff. What seems to be really not normal is that I'm having a really hard time emotionally with gaining the weight I need to for the baby. Everyone seems to want to make comments about my body changing and some are tactless. If I don't respond excitedly, these women are quick to point out that "it's a good thing and I SHOULD be happy." I am really happy about my baby but does that mean I have to be happy about getting bigger? I cannot seriously be the only woman who has ever not wanted to get big...
It feels like I am. Even my really understanding husband just thinks I should "focus on the positive."
No one seems to get how frustrating it is to not be able to wear flattering clothes, or how hard it can be to have people stare at your stomach, or why it's heartbreaking to hear someone say that you are getting so big.
just try to eat healthy and not over indulge that way you just gain the necessary weight for a pregnant woman and know that once baby arrives you'll be able to get small again. this is my 3rd pregnancy and I have literally only gained 10lbs. and the baby is 5 lbs 10 ounces at 35 weeks... I just stayed active, and didn't really think about it. I don't really eat a whole lot though, big meals make me sick and I have heartburn so bad I hate eating lol. as long as the Dr says the baby is healthy gaining a bunch of weight is not necessary