People are so sensitive. I have been anti abortion and just because you got one doesn't mean I can't state my general opinion anymore. It's not about you so why does it matter.
very well said @miicat. I shouldn't have to stop giving my opinion just because it might hurt someone's feelings. It might hurt to hear but when you as an adult decided to have an abortion then you also knew that it meant to be ready for the negative. you want rights to be a women then you should be able to see a post and not get all bent out of shape.
I agree with you. It's not like we're being mean to people, just stating our views and plus it's healthy and important to debate, it's what helps us grow into new areas in life. I get that many topics are sensitive to a lot of people, but that also won't stop me from raising awareness about natural birth, parenting, veganism and spirituality.
like I said I really don't have an opinion about her abortion anymore. I did for a minute because she knew for like 7 weeks before doing it and was 12 weeks when she did it. other then that I try to just have my opinion and not really personalize it or make it about anyone in general. I know more people then just her that I'm friends with that have had one and they didn't make it about them.
12.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
i also disagree with abortions personally its something I wouldnt do , but i try not to judge people because their always going thru something in their life to why they choose to go that route. i see it as if u have a kid be able to take care of it and provide or find a family who will. some people have kids and let them suffer then we ask the question why did they have kids if they cannot take care of it? its a rough topic but u gotta see it from both sides.
I get that but I have always shared things off this anti abortion sight since way before she got one and now she's taking it personal. I haven't said anything directly to her since the abortion but I did before it and she told me why. Her body her choice I guess. I don't have an opinion anymore about it.
i think it's more about being empathetic. abortion is probably a sensitive spot for her since she went through that. no one likes being constantly told something they did is wrong even if it's their opinion. her opinion is going to be different and since opinions can be based on anything there's no right or wrong answer. it's going to be an argument regardless