yeah it is but were saving money and someone had to do it :) and true i would rather have him watch her than a totall stranger . we have talk about it and when ge gets a better job offer things will change @mamesey
Whatever works for your family girl! Sometimes it's just rough getting adjusted again. I'm not looking forward to going back to the balancing act myself with just one job.
@prettyperly82, yeah that would be hard to miss the baby. But someone has to do it :( would you rather he work more and you stay home more? If so, maybe talk to him about it
yeah thats me rigth know i have 2 jobs my schedule bearly gives me time to see her but i love the bond that my daughter has with her dad! i mean im not complaining cause we switch on and off he works over nigth at target so our schedules match but i miss my maternity leave.. @mamesey @justusthree
If it works for you that's all good! I used to work 3 jobs and only got 2 hours of sleep. And my ex worked one at the time but his paid more than mine. I wasn't upset working 3 jobs or anything. If I had to work 2 jobs right now and my fiancé stay home I'd be glad! Baby is damn stressful lol
That's my position right now and I think it's totally okay! I mean, i hate being away from her so much...but you gotta do what you gotta do (: I love that we aren't the typical dad works and mom stays home family!