Amanda Fikes
Amanda Fikes
I need to vent. Quick summary: my water broke at 5AM Sunday morning. My little man was born at 306AM Tuesday. I didn't want pain medicine. I wanted 100% natural birth. That went out the door at 2AM Monday because the risk of infection was increasing with each passing hour so I was given pitocin. At about 10PM I got nubane. Sadly it didn't help. At about 1130PM I got the epidural. I posted on Facebook about my labor (my family lives out of town) and I get comments to the point I feel I have to justify my decision. The epidural helped the pain but I had a lot of issues from it. Anyways as mommy's we should not feel that our decisions are "wrong" simply because our birthing plan doesn't go as planned. We should feel confident that we are making the best decisions that we can make. I quit telling everyone what was going on. My family doesn't know I flat lined three times. My family doesn't know my oxygen level dropped so low it was risky to the baby. My family doesn't know I was so scared each time I got a glimpse of doctors and nurses the quantity was larger and larger. They don't have a clue I almost didn't make it out of child birth all because they made me feel horrible for getting an epidural. 😢

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@ciaramarie, that's so scary! My issues were because I have naturally low blood pressure. I assumed that they knew that or it wasn't important because they didn't ask about it. When they gave me the epidural it calmed me down like it is supposed to but because of my already low blood pressure it dropped even lower to 62/33 which caused me to fade out. It was a horrible feeling. I remember the nurse asking me if I felt okay and I said yes. Then they said if I tasted metal I needed to tell them. Then I came back out of it and saw oxygen then out again. When I came back I saw eight people but they had me picked up by the sheet then out again. When I came back this time I saw two doctors and at least ten nurses plus the guy who gave me the epidural. The nurse was trying to find the babies heart rate and I remember her saying "he's in the canal". He wasn't my first. I knew there was something wrong but I went out again too quickly to say anything. I don't know what happened from an outsiders view. I only know what I felt and saw. I had oxygen on when I came out of it the final time. My boyfriend was out of the room because he hates needles. I was told they almost lost me three times. I was told things were scary for 32 minutes. I was told they almost lost the baby and they needed to watch him more closely so I would have a nurse with me for the rest of the night. They asked if I could sign papers for a c section. I reluctantly said yes. A c section was not anywhere close to my plan. My dumb ass hit the pain relief button and had a little more epidural released into my system and I faded back out again. The process restarted of me seeing things then watching them disappear. I wasn't trying to hit the button - I didn't want anymore epidural anywhere close to me. I tried to roll over and grabbed it hanging on the side of my bed and squeezed it as I used the handle to try and roll. My poor boyfriend just saw everyone around me. He said I looked dead. When I came to he was crying (which he never does). My family still hasn't made it up to see my son. They don't agree with me taking medicine during labor especially since I had three already that I had naturally. It's truly sad people can't just support us and our decisions. Right now I have 17 notifications on my Facebook icon but I refuse to use that app. I refuse to allow them to talk down to me for making a decision based on what I was experiencing.
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@abeals04, @ciaramarie, @kee89 thank you guys! I feel like we are the ones having babies we should have the ultimate decision and people should support us or keep their mouths shut.
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I agree with @abeals04. You do not owe anyone any explanation for anything. It is all your and your docs decision. No one else's. Glad you and baby are okay.
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I got induced so I couldn't deny no meds but my plan was no pain meds. I ended up having to get the epidural. I quit breathing and my son got stuck at the shoulders came out completely blue/purple and not breathing. Luckily a little oxygen helped both of us! I know how you feel. My mom made me feel so bad because she didn't have any pain meds with any of her labors. But she was there! She saw how intense everything was! Then with my second I decided right away I wanted the epidural when j could get it and of course my mom made me feel bad about that. But my dr even told me that with my first if I would of gone with my plan and didn't get an epidural there is no way I would of made it. So my first delivery terrified me for my second but my second was so much smoother! I'm sorry your family is making you feel that way. They should just be happy you and baby are okay!!
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
You don't owe anyone anything
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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