I need to vent. Quick summary: my water broke at 5AM Sunday morning. My little man was born at 306AM Tuesday. I didn't want pain medicine. I wanted 100% natural birth. That went out the door at 2AM Monday because the risk of infection was increasing with each passing hour so I was given pitocin. At about 10PM I got nubane. Sadly it didn't help. At about 1130PM I got the epidural. I posted on Facebook about my labor (my family lives out of town) and I get comments to the point I feel I have to justify my decision. The epidural helped the pain but I had a lot of issues from it. Anyways as mommy's we should not feel that our decisions are "wrong" simply because our birthing plan doesn't go as planned. We should feel confident that we are making the best decisions that we can make. I quit telling everyone what was going on. My family doesn't know I flat lined three times. My family doesn't know my oxygen level dropped so low it was risky to the baby. My family doesn't know I was so scared each time I got a glimpse of doctors and nurses the quantity was larger and larger. They don't have a clue I almost didn't make it out of child birth all because they made me feel horrible for getting an epidural. 😢