Erica Duggan
Ladies just want some people's opinions on this please 😩my boy is 11 weeks on Tuesday. I have been breastfeeding exclusively since day one, even though we had a rocky start we got there. However sometimes I still find it difficult as my boobs are quite big and are even bigger since pregnancy and full of milk, even so that my nipples now point a bit downwards! I usually nurse him in the 'rugby ball' position but now he's getting bigger he's starting to fight me so much and sometimes he ends up getting himself thst worked up he won't latch and screams for ages or he's constantly rooting and never know if he wants more, specially when he's tired. I get so upset as I find it so hard sometimes and the fact I feel I can't do anything without him wanting me or feeding, I express sometimes but find that hard too. I have plenty of milk and he's getting enough (he has plenty of wet nappies) I just can't seem to nurse him in other positions and it's making me feel down and a failure as a mum and think it would be easier to bottle feed but I've got this far! Advice please? 😭😭😭
7.9 лет

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my breast feeding Buddy suggested rolling a Muslim cloth and placing under the breasts to help elevate the breast, also if your feeling full it changes the shape of the nipple and baby can struggle to latch, try hand expressing a little or express how ever you can just to take the fullness away x

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my breast feeding Buddy suggested rolling a Muslim cloth and placing under the breasts to help elevate the breast, also if your feeling full it changes the shape of the nipple and baby can struggle to latch, try hand expressing a little or express how ever you can just to take the fullness away x

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Oh well that would explain it then!! Ha I worry my milk isn't filling him enough as he feeds often but not all the time but I heard that breastfed babies take what they want and as I feed on demand he must be getting enough. I will try the things you have said, and Yes exactly! Once he was that distressed I had to express sat there crying while h screamed so he would take the bottle as he was starving. Never seen anything like it and a bottle would be easier. I will play with some positions too when he's happy and fed to see which I like best, I found if I cradled him and fed him he couldn't latch properley and made me sore, even when laid down @jodieiokie xx

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Usually between 10&13; weeks baby will have a growth spurt where they just want to feed constantly and if your having issues already then it will only make you feel worse. With you saying he wants you or comfort all the time maybe that's the case. - also, if your struggling to calm him when your having trouble latching, lay him across your arm on his belly and rock.. It'll help with wind and always worked for me when he wouldn't calm down to attempt to re latch. It's a completely new position that I found amazed him and stopped the crying for a minute and he and I were both calm enough to try again. There's nothing worse than a baby who's dying for his milk but won't stop crying to get it. They sense your frustration and it makes everything worse. I defo recommend a health visitor to help you with your problems though... And looking up videos. Practise when he's done feeding... Getting him into the position where his head is near your nipple and then you know how to hold and you're not doing it where your both getting frustrated. Stay positive! Cx

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Thankyou @jodieiokie ! I do don't want to give up. I will have a look at some positions etc and I was considering a group or health visitor anyway she seems to be very pro breast feeding lol. What do you mean a growth spurt? I heard of them he does have odd days where he wants to feed all day. I struggle sometimes to calm him as he gets in the state it's like he doesn't get that he needs to latch on to get the milk like he wants it NOW lol and I try not to leave him to cry before I feed him. He just screams when I try and put my breast near him it's horrible 😭 xx

7.9 лет Нравится Ответить

Sounds like your baby may be going through a bit of a growth spurt for one... With regards to other positions, practice makes perfect. Get yourself some support. Join a breastfeeding group or contact your health visitor. Have a look on YouTube for different techniques. Don't give up! I gave up at 13 weeks as I had the exact same issue plus inverted nipples... I didn't have the support I needed so that's the first step you need to take. If your struggling to latch... Take a breather for a minute, calm baby and yourself down and then try again. You'll get there, your just going through a tough patch. Well done for getting this far though!! Xxxx

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Thanks @kmcf2302 does seem to be comfort sometimes, we tried a dummy at 6 weeks and even now but he's so awkward! Lol just rolls it round his mouth so he hardly has it. He only does if he's hungry and we in car till I can feed him or when he's really tired😕 we tried Infacol however gripe water seemed to be working but last few days colic got worse. I am considering going to see gp and asking for colief? Meant to be good x

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A lot of babies will try to latch on just for comfort but don't actually want any milk & so can get quite irritable when they're getting milk and only want comforted. My honest opinion would be to give him a orthodontic bpa free dummy unless you're 100% against them. If he's already got a dummy... Then perhaps it's the colic at which point infacol or a trip to the GP x

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He suffers with colic too the trapped wind don't help😩 x

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