I had my glucose testing done last week and just got a call back. My Dr said my test results came in at 201 and they are referring me straight to a specialist and bypassing the 3 hr screening. Has anyone else experienced this? and if so, what were the next steps that you had to take to manage GD?

I'm concerned and shocked as this is my 3rd pregnancy and I've never had any problems in the previous pregnancies.

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just bc you have GD doesn't mean you're diabetic it has to do with the placenta. so once you have the baby it should go away but it's very important to stay diet controlled or they may make you do the insulin shots and you need to make sure your numbers stay good or baby could have issues. it can be scary but it's possible. you'll find that works for you bc everyone is different.
01.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I didn't fast or anything. I ate at least 1 hr prior and wasn't something high in sugar. I'm concerned but at the same time I can always use this as a chance to change our eating habits. I'm plus sized as is and have only gained 4 lbs but he's already measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule. So I guess just wait and see. No point in getting too worked up over something that could just be preventative or borderline. Just shocking I guess 😳
01.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
It could be high enough that your OB would go ahead and diagnose GD. Each OB has their specific parameters for those tests. Big hugs momma hopefully it's just borderline?
01.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommarodey, those are fasting blood sugars, which aren't the same as after the 1 hr test.
01.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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