If I had to compare nipple pain from thrush to something, it would probably be the equivalent of my contractions at 3-4cm. Fucking OUCH. And the medicine I've been on since Tuesday is NOT working. Probably going to make an ER trip because 1, the Drs offices are closed for the holiday and 2, I go back to work Tuesday and I'm gonna need some kind of cream or something before then.

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I've been through it twice and totally felt your pain. I had mastitis in the beginning as well, and I wish someone would've told me about those things because I was totally not prepared to be in that much pain. I had to stop nursing for a couple weeks and exclusively pump because I literally screamed bloody murder when he latched, it was so painful. I'm so sorry you're enduring it, but believe me it gets better! We haven't had any issues in almost 3 months now 😊 my doctor always prescribed me diflucan and it went away, and of course nystatin for baby. You can also use gentian violet which you can purchase from your pharmacy, no prescription necessary. It's very messy, and you may need to dilute it with water but it's suppose to ease the pain some. And you can buy monistat and use the cream on your nipples, just wipe it off good before you nurse or pump.
30.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@bellahali, I told Rob that we would probably go after the parade. And thrush is an infection common in the first few weeks after birth, it's similar to a yeast infection. The baby's symptoms are most commonly in his mouth, his tongue looks like it's covered with milk and he gets little blister looking things that look like milk residue on his lips. My only symptom is a burning sensation in my nipples. And my areola is brown but my nipple and the ring right below it are bright reddish/pink. Also, on my one, not sure if it's thrush related, but I have a deep gauge like cut as well. It sucks, no doubt about it. My sister had it twice with my nephew. But the medicine they gave me for it (on Tuesday) was just an oral liquid. It's not doing anything, I need a cream like they gave my sister. Parkers is clearing up pretty good. And besides the pain, you have to boil and sterilize all bottles and pacifiers and breast pump parts for 20 mins every day. It's exhausting!!
30.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm so sorry momma! Definitely go to er. If you don't mind, please tell me more about thrush and your symptoms
30.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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