It didn't work for me at all. The nurse kept putting me on each side every 2 hours. So it would only numb the half that was down. I felt it all, but for being my first baby. it wasn't so bad. I was only in labor for 8 hours. I had terrible back labor though.
It didn't work for me at all. The nurse kept putting me on each side every 2 hours. So it would only numb the half that was down. I felt it all, but for being my first baby. it wasn't so bad. I was only in labor for 8 hours. I had terrible back labor though.
Didn't completely work for me. I'd go numb for a good 30 min then I'd feel it fade and was left with one side numb. The anesthesiologist literally came in 4 times. He turned me to one side, did all this to try and get it going. He couldn't understand why it wasn't working. It decided to wear off right at 9cm and the nurses said it was too late to call him again so I felt it all but I'm happy I got to experience a somewhat natural birth lol
I'm with @riahann didn't work for me my thigh was a little numb but I can feel everything still. MOST PAINFUL THING EVER I don't even know why it didn't work.
it kicked in right when i had to push and couldnt. my body was dilating to fast for the medicine to keep up since they induced me to make my contractions stronger. then i couldn't walk for 4 hours after.