Sarah Drew
husband tells me he has to run back to his shop and then we will go somewhere, he's gone for almost an hour, comes back and says "I'm going to go up and get the garbage cans and now around our house so my dad doesn't have to, we can do something tomorrow" glad I got dressed and made sure the kids had clean diapers.... and so tomorrow we will go and get his suit for his friends wedding, mine and my son's outfits, and other items needed for our trip next Thursday.... guess he won't have a relaxing day this weekend
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and he's not even doing what he said, it's been about an hour and he's sitting at his mom's house talking to them, he always does this..... I wouldn't care if he was actually mowing, or going up to get the garbage cans

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and he's not even doing what he said, it's been about an hour and he's sitting at his mom's house talking to them, he always does this..... I wouldn't care if he was actually mowing, or going up to get the garbage cans

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