@cheylea5, yes. Pump often. It will take a couple weeks for your milk to regulate so you'll feel full often. What @octobermamma said about letting your nipples come out too! If she doesn't latch try the shield again.
I was able to get about 8 Mls out just now and between the two. So I can just give her what I pump each time right? We have supplemental formula were using also. @sarahdrew @yungbae
pump just enough to release dome pressure, then try to nurse... the pump will pull out the nipple for her and being softer than engorged breasts will make it easier for her to latch.
@cheylea5, well definitely pump! It will relieve the pressure, it'll be uncomfortable the first couple minutes until your milk comes out. A baby is always way more efficient than a pump at collecting milk if it seems like you're not pumping enough. If you can't pump right away try hand expression to relieve your breasts a little. I've learned it helps while facing warm water in the shower while hand expressing. Don't. Give. Up. If you still find it difficult try to contact a local lactating consultant.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with pumping mama, I pumped for my first child, because the nicu gave him a bottle when they were weaning him off his feeding tube and I couldn't be up there ....
@yungbae, we've tried. The crappy part is she was latching and for some stupid reason I gave her a pacifier. And now that my milk is in they are too full so my nipples are flat. I've tried warm compress and massaging them to try to get them down enough for her to latch but she can't now. She's not trying but I'm almost in tears they are so engorged. I want to breastfeed, I really do. It just has been super painful from the moment I had her.
I use to just pump , any down time you have just pump even itpf it doesn't feel like you need to , you can always freeze it . I found it more convenient