United States, West Virginia, Charleston


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I feel like my little one is eating too much.. Can that happen?
housfullofgrls How old and formula or BF???
cheylea5 1 month and formula @b3autifulm3ss @babes101116
cheylea5 She wants to snack almost and I think she's eating a lot
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Mommas I need help! My baby is 3 weeks old and constipated. She's fussy and screaming. What can I do? I've tried bicycling her legs
lisa0488 I was nervous to the first time !!! Just have help someone to hold the little legs
cheylea5 Thank you ladies!
eskawho the qtip trick will help. sometimes when that young their mussels need help. put Vaseline and insert
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Can someone please explain this breast leaking thing to me?? I'm pumping but I swear I'm leaking all over the place still
del_1512250114_arivera64 You will leak until your milk regulates in about 6 weeks or so. Also, pumping just makes
elenalee I leaked the whole 13 months I bf. Lol. I couldn't live without boob pads!!
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Big accomplishment for me even though I'd like to breastfeed, she's taking it through a bottle!
jessica0830 @cheylea5, mother milk too and breastfeeding on command and constant pumping. Breastmilk is made supply by demand
cheylea5 @jessica0830, can you buy it anywhere?
jessica0830 @cheylea5, yeah! I got mine from whole foods but I know shop rite has it too
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Why is my right boob making so much more milk than my left? I'm pumping, she won't latch so that's what I've resorted to.
emmajeremy2627 you always have a boob that makes more. just like some people have a boob that's slightly
cheylea5 @emmajeremy2627, that's exactly how it is. My left barely got 1/2 oz when my right easily pumped
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A week has already passed by 😳
Love her to pieces ❤️🎀
belly1996 This outfit is adorable😍
belly1996 As well as the baby doll in it😊
cheylea5 @belly1996, thank you!☺️ They have all kinds of floral outfits and sleepers on sale through Carters right
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Is there anything wrong with JUST pumping? She won't latch and my milk is in. Like pumping and giving it to her?
yungbae @cheylea5, yes. Pump often. It will take a couple weeks for your milk to regulate so you'll
sarahdrew yes... how often is she eating? you may want to pump more often to build a stash
cheylea5 Every 3 hours @sarahdrew
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