Mommas new and experienced:
Hoping not too TMI, but as a first time mom I've been trying to.figure out what's normal vs. concerning...

I just gave birth 2 weeks ago, it was a very fast delivery and I had a 2nd degree tear. my stitches feel like they're healing okay and it's just on the inside of my perinium/labia... but 2 weeks later my clitoral area is extremely sore. Like an achy, bruised feeling. I can't see anything but I have 0 sensation (ppsitive) when it's touched, it just hurts. has anyone experienced this after vaginal delivery? When does the sensitivity come back? I'm so scared I won't ever get the sensation back and that's not going to be fun to deal with... 😔 I don't see my OB for another month. thanks in advance!

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Currently going through the same thing it's so uncomfortable and annoying . I've heard it could be from the catheter !
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@tiffanyxomarie1, @bellahali thank you ladies SO MUCH, I've been googling and freaking out because especially during pregnancy I was SO sensitive and my drive was crazy, now nothing...I've been worried it'll never come back... I'm so glad to hear of hope around 6 weeks pp! Good timing since that is the recovery "clear" period :) thanks again!
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
The sensation does come back. I totally forgot about mine and I'm 6 weeks PP! It felt so weird I hated it. Doctor said it had something to do with estrogen. Hormone imbalances.
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
But one good thing I did get all sensation back and everything is normal now!
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
This happened to me also! It got so bad that I had to wear my husbands old boxers because I couldn't wear my own underwear due to being tight and rubbing. :( I was constantly putting a cold washrag or tucks pad down there. It went away about a week before my 6 week postpartum appointment, I completely forgot to ask my doctor so I don't really have any advice, just know you're not alone!
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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