Hey ladies I'm kind of freakjng out. Since I'm 37 my doctor sent me to a perinatal specialist for the sequential testing to check the baby. My test through informaseq came back inconclusive because she couldn't locate enough fetal DNA in my blood. I redid the test yesterday and they told me that there are some women who's test always come back inconclusive. My doctor says not to worry that the 12 week scan looked good that we can always due the amino in a few weeks. That sometimes this happens if the test is done too early. Has this happened to anyone? I'm trying to stay positive but the 10 day wait a second time around is more than I can handle.

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@kaygee612, thank you for your kind words
12.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Right. I had 8 vials of blood drawn because I was really super sick and they thought I had an infection In my blood and when they took them they came back like a few days later and told me they needed more cuz the first round wasn't readable which sounds dumb but they ended taking like 3 more and finally said it happens sometimes and not to be worried. But I was okay and my peanut is okay too. I think labs misplace or contaminate samples sometimes and they don't want to take credit so they make up bogus remarks lol everything will be okay. I'll say a prayer for you and your baby that things workout the best way possible.
12.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kaygee612, thank you. I'm trying to stay positive but it's rough. I wish they would tell you this could happen so you have that knowledge going into it.
12.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Just remain positive for your baby. It's rough and I had to go through like 3 tests for my son and the waiting killed me but I stayed positive and he was a healthy lil boy and he still is to this day. There could have been errors that interrupted the tests so just hang in there and everything will be okay. God doesn't give you anything you can't handle 😊
12.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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