I feel like the worst mom in the world I cant control my tears I was clipping my babys toe tails and he pulled away when I started to clip down and it pulled the whole nail off its not bleeding and he didn't cry but I feel so bad
thank you so much for making me feel better I just hate that it happened and Im the one that did it im just happy he is ok thank you agin so much@nichole_lynn
he acts like its tender should I put a band aid on it or leave it be and I guess the nail just looks like more ill take a pic of that as well so does it look like there is a bottom layer or nail sorry im rambling. @nichole_lynn
here's my story, the first time I did my sons nail, he moved and I got skin and not nail. it bled all over the place, I cried and he didn't care. I called my husband all like "I'm such a terrible mom, my son hates Me" when in all reality he was totally okay. you're not alone 💖💖