mm ommytobe_, a mommy messaged me earlier saying she tested positive for it and by the time she got to the hospital it was too late she had to push and her baby came out perfectly healthy . but I'm nervous too
it's something I never worried about and I guess he tests everyone at 36 weeks.. I've been reading about it and he also told me he can't do a membrane sweep because I'm positive and it's a risk he also said something about induction so they can have time to give me the penicillin idk it's still so confusing ugh just fed up my baby keeps growing and growing and I'm scared that I will end up having a c-section because he will be too big.
yes he didn't give me anything for now since I'm so close to my due date he just said he wrote it in my paperwork that will be transferred to the hospital so they could know to give it to me once I go into labor it sucks I'm still worried about it though everything during my pregnancy was going so well until they told me that