frustrated because those who know my daughters name have criticised it! what do you mom's think about Sam Toni Shields? Toni is after my husbands childhood best friend that passed away 2 years ago. my husband chose her name also.
I know how you feel, my daughter's name is going to be Frankie and I literally had someone say "Don't do that to her." 😑 Luckily this person was a nobody to me. My husband's mom doesn't really like the name either but she hasn't made a big deal about it.
I'm glad I am not the only one that see the cuteness in the name! people have even said ewe!? so I was starting to question if it would be cruel to name her that
people, parents and siblings are saying she should be named Samantha, that she shouldn't have 2 boys name... my other daughter is Skarlett Ann, honestly though it means so much to me that my husband chose her name because he is devasted we are on girl number 3 and still not a boy.
I absolutely love Toni as a girls name/middle name. My middle name is Antonia because of my grandpa Angelo and my grandma Toni. Sam Toni is a beautiful name