FTM question.....My little man is 1 week old and about 6lbs 6 oz we have been waking him to feed about every 2 hours. So I'm wondering Moms how often did you feed your little ones when they were so young?
My sister had to wake her daughter every 2 hours to feed until the jaundice was gone, it was about a week or so. Her child is screwed up at all and now she sleeps about 4 hours at a time at 4 weeks old.
It's not like you're just waking baby just because they said so, you're trying to clear babies system from the jaundice.
I never woke my LO to feed her, I let her sleep and she woke every 2-3hrs to eat. Only time I'd wake her to eat is if it was going on 4hrs. it's okay to let them sleep a little, its good for them. As long as baby is gaining weight and not losing, it's fine. My LO is 5mo now and perfectly healthy and at the correct weight for her age.
You're going to regret that. my dr made me do my 1st that way until she was like 4 months.... you're gonna screw yourself over waking the kid up like that. it becomes habit. trust me. she's not 20 months and STILL wakes every 2 hours.
My baby is 2 months old and I breast feed but I don't wake her up to eat. I don't let her go more than 4 hours without eating though. And the doctor said she's 95% on the weight chart. It's okay for them to sleep. As long as baby isn't losing weight they're fine!
I never woke my son. I fed him whenever he was ready and now he's a healthy 4 month old 16lbs 12 oz little boy. lol they will let you know when they are hungry! !
@foreveryoung247, I feel bad because I we have to wake him every 2 hours. I feel like he would just sleep if I let him. I guess I will keep waking him.
No I never woke her, I do the "feed on demand" rather than a schedule so if she slept for say 3 hours, I would let her sleep and just pump at the two hour mark because I wanted my supply to be strong enough to pump and feed(: Their little bodies know what they need so baby will deff wake if hungry!
It's not like you're just waking baby just because they said so, you're trying to clear babies system from the jaundice.