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why oh why can I not get my LO to stay a sleep unless he's nursing? Any one have this issue?
mommywifelifestyle oh goodness my son is that way its also the only way i can get him to
mommacee2be this is a first time for us. he's been this way since the afternoon. I wonder if
mommywifelifestyle he could possibly going through a growth spurt at 4 weeks was about when my son hit
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FTM... no judgement please only help.

I'm looking for advice on bed sharing safely.

Also any advice on trying to get my LO to sleep in his bassinet. I would rather co-sleep but he hates his bassinet and being away from me
mommyagain @mommacee2be, we slept with her for months in between us and I did what you did as
emtackett I saw this cool thing at target that's called a bed sharing bassinet! It goes in between
mommacee2be @emkasting, thank you it's worth looking at.
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FTM question.....My little man is 1 week old and about 6lbs 6 oz we have been waking him to feed about every 2 hours. So I'm wondering Moms how often did you feed your little ones when they were so young?
keepingupwithhj Every 2-3 hours. I never woke my son up to eat, I just waited till he was
hhmariah I never woke my LO to feed her, I let her sleep and she woke every 2-3hrs
ashalay88 My sister had to wake her daughter every 2 hours to feed until the jaundice was gone,
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