Does the amount of meals you eat affect your breastmilk production? Lately I've been only eating once or twice a day since I'm up most of the night with the baby and I sleep with her all morning till 12-2 and I eat in the afternoon/evening since I'm too tired. (only wake up when she does then back to bed) Today I noticed both of my breasts were dry after I tried pumping since I was leaving to an appointment. She fed before and I had milk but I tried pumping 3 hours after she fed. My mom says because I don't eat enough, is that right?
To produce breastmilk requires extra calories. On average 500 extra calories on top of your normal requirements. Women who are malnourished are still able to feed their babies, but they're malnourished for a reason. You're baby will get what they need from whatever is stored in your body. If you aren't replenishing what's coming out, you'll become drained and deficient. Not a good feeling from personal experience. I have to force myself to eat because I want to be healthy for my children and I want my baby to have quality healthy fatty milk. It's a struggle, but you can do it!
Yes. You need to eat & have lots of fluids!
I had that happen to me today, wasn't feeling well and was throwing up. I went completely dry, then started to eat & drink fluids as much as I can, now I'm back to normal with my milk.